Leland Street welcomes the newest residents. Congratulations to the Duffy Family and the Helland-Bay Family
A Message from Farrell Cosmas
“I don't think that there is any place more beautiful than Leland Street in the Spring. I know for sure that there are no more generous and kind-hearted neighbors than there are on our block. For more than 20 years, our family has been a part of this small town within the Town. We will all miss being here, particularly for the Patch's Ice Cream Social, the Halloween Parade, Payne's Haunted House and top of the street pot luck, and the Lee family's lovely Christmas Caroling. In the past couple of years, I've been the recipient of Leland Street's own Meals on Wheels, organized by Marcy. Delicious dinners delivered by caring neighbors and, good cooks, I must add, have reminded me of how precious this community is. I'm sure I'm healing better and getting stronger faster because of all of your support. We will miss you all very much. (But, expect to keep up with news via the Blog!)
Look forward to welcoming your new neighbors, Mark and Christine Riley. They are a lovely young couple who, with their two year old Liam, will give this wonderful house a whole new life.”
The farewell gatherings for Farrell Cosmas provided much opportunity for friends and neighbors to share some special moments and create new memories.

Sad News from the Bolands:
We have decided that the time is right for us to downsize. We've realized that our home is rather large for just the two of us, and have asked Clare Boland of Washington Fine Properties (clare.boland@wfp.com) to list our home. After enjoying two special homes on Leland Street over the past 25 years it will be hard to depart when the time arrives. Although we don't know yet where we're going, it won't be far from our favorite block and dear friends.
The family is reveling in the beautiful weather, and enjoyed sharing an Jeb and Jen are hosted an Easter brunch for the family. at their house in Bethesda which will be fun.

Grandchildren enjoyed an egg hunt on the great lawn of Leanne and Jimmy’s backyard.

Recently both Monty and Patrick have left Leland Street--Monty to a studio in The Riviera in Bethesda, and Patrick to a group house in Glover Park. Moving their gear out is an on going process, and Trash and Treasures was very timely! More Boland news is that Jeb and Jen are expecting their first child in mid october. Change is in the wind, and these will be exciting!
The Wolff Daniels visited Miriam’s father in Sarasota Florida two weeks ago. Before returning home they spent two days at the Ivey House Inn in Everglades City.

They went kayaking through mangrove swamps, ate fresh grouper and crab, walked through Fakahatchee Strand Boardwalk, and visited the Smallwood Store in Chokoloskee. Miriam is reading The Swamp, by Michael Grunwald, which tells the tale of scoundrels, murderers (especially EJ “Bloody” Watson), and the destruction of the Everglades eco-system. Miriam, Larry, David, and Miriam’s father, Gerry, attended two memorable Seders on Monday and Tuesday. They strongly recommend A and B frozen gefilte fish over the bottled version. Larry and David biked to Kenwood to see the cherry blossoms—only a twelve minute ride from Leland Street.
The Ayaz family enjoyed a few lovely days in New York City over Spring Break. It was great to experience Central Park in such beautiful weather! We also explored SOHO which was a lot of fun for both adults and children. We are looking forward to a visit this month from Nicole’s parents and then we will travel to California for our niece’s graduation. Arianna and Sophia are busy with spring soccer and tennis. An added bonus is that the girls get to play soccer with their good friend Matthew Duffy! Tony has been busy in the back garden and it is really looking great. We are all sad to see Farrell leave for her new home. Nicole enjoyed meeting the new neighbors at Farrell’s good-bye soiree. The Ayaz family is especially thankful to neighbor Vike Vicente for taking such great care of both girls when they had eye issues this month! When it rains it pours!!! Last but not least, no more training wheels for Arianna – you will see both girls speeding around the neighborhood these days on their bikes…..
The Martz-Davies had their annual trip to the Bahamas last week. Steph had to join the trip a couple of days late but still managed to squeeze in some diving and quality ray-catching.

Kyle says the best thing he saw snorkeling was a floating jellyfish or a Christmas Tree worm. Nora's favorite was a small spotted ray: Pip's was the schools of sargent majors. Chris' and Steph's was the loggerhead turtle--enormous, bigger than a child. Chris will not let anyone forget the pussy, stiff finger he earned when, while trying to free his father's fishing hook from coral, his father jerked the line and hooked Chris.
Steph finished Wolf Hall, this year's Booker Prize winner, which satisfied her Tudor Era obsession at a much higher level of literary quality than the historical fiction genre usually produces.

Chris recommends the series of literary crime novels by Benjamin Black, the nom de plume of Booker-winning John Banvillle. The Martz-Davies now have a milkman (or woman, since they haven’t met the person). You can sign up for fresh milk and milk products, meat, and bread as well as pre-made meals at www.southmountaincreamery.com.

Mary Stuart Proctor reminisces about her childhood as an “Army brat,” when all the families on the post looked after each other, “and when civilian life came about I never thought such would again be realized- but our neighborhood has been such that I am just waiting for the taps at night to play!”
The pictures are of our new grandson, adopted by our daughter Susan who lives on a Hopi Indian reservation in Arizona. (She is a physician with the Public Health Service). Paul and I spent eight days with Israel and his new parents (Susan and Mark) last week. He is four years old and adopted from Ethiopia. He has been in the US for two weeks and is beginning to learn English. He is just darling and smart.

His name is Israel but he is not Christian or Jewish, he comes from an Animalistic village in Southern Ethiopia. He has an adorable fun loving personality. My daughter and her husband really “lucked out” with this darling little boy. (The dog and horse belong to his parents and of course now his.)
The Forrests normally celebrate our daughter, Nicole’s birthday at this time of year. However, this year, her very special boyfriend, Steve, whisked her off to Paris for a birthday weekend. And there, at sunset in the Luxembourg Gardens, Steve proposed to Nicole. We are thrilled that their trip has brought such happiness to our whole family.

While enchanting things were happening in Paris, Arthur and Marcy enjoyed a lunch under the cherry blossoms in Kenwood--a perfect day to watch the pedestrians, cyclists, dog walkers and children playing along the creek. What a glorious time of year to enjoy the pleasures of nature.

The Forrests have had some terrific family moments celebrating Nicole’s engagement. Zak flew home from Los Angeles in time to join us for a toast to Nicole and Steve soon after they returned from Paris. Marcy and Nicole have been enjoying the sweet experience of wedding gown shopping. Their engagement has brought a lot of excitement to the Forrest home.
Marcy served as Chair for the Chevy Chase Historical Society annual Champagne Supper and Historical Home tour. It was a delightful event and such fun to share the evening with the many Leland Street neighbors who attended.

The event offered a tour of 3911 Bradley Blvd and a gourmet dinner prepared and served by La Ferme restaurant. Considering that rain, thunder, lightning and hailstones were predicted, it was astounding that not one drop of rain fell during the hours of the Gala.
We will all miss Farrell Cosmas, but our love and friendship travels with her to Boston. The farewell gatherings and “packing parties” are quite a testament to just how much we all have enjoyed having Farrell as our friend and neighbor.
Vicky's cousin and family came to Washington this week from St. Paul. They have an adult son and daughter-in-law who live here in DC, so they come each spring during their younger son's spring break. Their younger son Danny is just Russell's age, and their visit gives the family a chance to do touristy things -- like going to great exhibits in our national museums, seeing the cherry blossoms, visiting the zoo again, etc.

Vicky chaperoned Paul's school trip to the Newseum, and got a chance to see the museum’s fascinating exhibits. Vicky particularly enjoyed the exhibit of all the Pulitzer Prize winning photographs from 1952 to the present.
The family is all enjoying the new arrival - Ryan Haines Duffy born on February 12. Matthew is a proud and happy big brother. A steady stream of visitors have come to help and provide welcome company. Charles, mother, Dot Duffy shared her family recipe for meatballs with Vicky. Matthew enjoyed the lesson too.

The Duffys enjoyed a walk to see the cherry blossoms in Kenwood and looked forward to a visit from the Easter bunny while hunting for eggs with Eira and Mari.

The Batemans are spending a lovely Easter weekend at home. Annie has arrived from college (but Claire has chosen a weekend in Florida instead.....imagine!). Expectations are that Will and Annie will take a long run to Georgetown. The family will take in the cherry blossoms, attend Easter service Sunday am, cook brunch at home afterwards, and dine outside. Will, who has become a Caps fan, is blessed with a friend with good tickets for this Thursday night. Rugby is sporting a new spring do--a little short but at least she doesn't look like a sheep anymore. The Batemans wish all Leland Streeters a happy, blessed, and well deserved Spring!

Annie enjoyed a University of Georgia event called "Old South" looking particularly lovely in Antebelllum dress (complete with hoop) What fun!
The Batemans are looking forward to a "full nest" again.....at least until July when Claire will head to Capetown, South Africa, for her semester abroad. Annie will be interning this summer with Washington Partners, a DC based PR firm. Will and Terry are enjoying these beautiful golfing days, and Terry is spending a lot of time in the back garden (he's just planted three new Elizabeth magnolias which will hopefully provide a beautiful canopy for the back patio in the years to come). Claire is looking for babysitting jobs starting now until July 12 when she leaves, so please call her if you need her or know anyone who does. Also, she's available for dogwalking, etc.
The Helland Bay Family joyfully welcomes Eira and Mari's little sister.

While waiting for her arrival, the family did their best to enjoy the beautiful spring in the D.C.-area as the trees bloom, including a trip to the Tidal Basin and a picnic under the cherry blossoms in Somerset. They spent as much time as possible outside - since the Norwegian style winter has finally departed from Chevy Chase.
The family joined Barbara for an Easter lunch as well as an egg hunt requested by four of the grandchildren who are normally too old for such things! The visiting kids included John’s two boys, Lila’s boy and girl and Ann Marie’s 9 month old daughter. Daughter Julia and husband Carl are far away in Islamabad working for the US embassy.

Barbara is proud of her flourishing indoor lemon trees, which provide 50-60 lemons every year.
The Rubashkins are enjoying the good weather. We are enjoying the magnificent azaleas, getting the tomatoes in the ground, and gearing up for SATs, AP's and final exams. Sophie and Jacob are busy riding and competing as members of Artemis, the local cycling team, and mostly they are looking foward to school wrapping up. Hannah is excited to be finishing her freshman year at Barnard. Some of us are looking forward to Iron Man 2 (guess who?) and we did enjoy the first half of Young Victoria, but found the ending unsatisfying.
The Strothers are learning to live with the college admissions ritual and frenzy, just beginning, and the all-consuming effort of eleventh grade at St Albans.
Jim is waiting out a sore back, but has done a bit of reading. He recommends “Dreadnought,” by Robert Massie, a fascinating study of the lead up to WWI. The title refers to the first of the steam (and coal) powered, iron clad, battleship class.

Also, “Empire of Liberty,” by Gordon Wood, a history of the roughly two or three decades following the adoption of the Constitution, when the Federalists governed briefly, only to be brought down by Thomas Jefferson’s Republicans.
Julie was in Chicago for their final snowfall--cancelling any shopping possibilities. Jennie was glad to arrive home for spring break from sunny Florida and into a flowery Leland Street. Elizabeth made it all the way to the final round of the Redskin Cheerleaders before she was cut. The experience, while exhausting, was lots of fun. She has started working at the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation and is enjoying the work.
Jennie and Julie Trocchio are going to the Grand Ole Opry for Mother's Day. We will meet in Nashville for a weekend of music.

Elizabeth starts practice next weekend for the Wizards' dancing team. Wish her luck!!