March 7, 2010
Editors: Pamela Karasik and Jacob Rubashkin
Welcome to the Post Snow/Post Power outage edition of the Leland Street News.

Now that Spring is finally around the corner, it was lovely to visit with our neighbors who happened to be home late Friday afternoon. Most of us are eagerly awaiting the warmer weather, and many of us are dealing with the aftermath of damage to our homes and foliage. While it has been said that April is the cruelest month I think February wins.
The entire family is excited that spring has arrived. Arianna and Sophia are anxious to plant their flower and herb garden. The girls have begun bicycling the Crescent Trail and enjoy exploring along the way. The whole family is looking forward to the spring, and to welcoming new babies to the neighborhood. Nicole truly enjoyed Sigrid’s shower and sharing such a fun time with so many neighbors. It was a joy to visit with Lotte and to learn more about the families that grew up on Leland street.
Special event for Sigrid Bay:
Nicole and Wendy hosted a baby shower for Sigrid Bay.

Nicole invited Lotte Wolfe to the shower which gave Lotte an opportunity to enjoy an afternoon amongst former neighbors in the home she lived in for thirty-eight years.

It was particularly exciting for Sigrid because there is no tradition of baby showers in Norway.

The laughter, smiles, games, and sharing of stories was enjoyed and appreciated by all women attending the event.
The snow made going to work a challenge for Pamela, but she made it there and back safely every day during the worst of the storms. Finally a justification for having a four wheel drive vehicle! As a family we took many long walks into town and around the neighborhood in the snowiest of the evenings, and found it absolutely beautiful! Bethesda under three feet of snow with the streets deserted was almost peaceful! Jacob and Sophie enjoyed the unscheduled week off from school, though Sophie was concerned about falling behind in her AP classes. Hannah comes home for spring break soon, and we are looking forward to her visit.
The Patch family enjoyed a weekend get away to the Great Wolf Lodge which is great fun for the kids. They took advantage of the snow and went tubing at Whitetail.

The family recently met up in Chicago, as David was auditioning for a graduate program in music education and Becky flew in from Seattle.

They had a great time taking in the Chicago Art Institute Museum and Millennium Park. They especially enjoyed the Anish Kapoor sculpture Cloud Gate and a new play by Terrene McNally (the Brother Sister play).

Miriam wanted the neighbors to know that if anyone is need of an extra pair of hands with tasks about the house even driving and the such, Jerry Parnezio is a young man who has worked for them, and others on the block, and comes highly recommended.
His phone number is 240-432-9165
Dorothy is not looking forward to a visit from the tree pruners. They did loose a lot of foliage this month. Dorothy recently visited her Folk dancing group and had a wonderful time catching up with old friends

She does recommend a great book by Judith Nies, The Girl I left Behind, a glorious coming of age in the ‘60’s story.
Dorothy and Fred recently purchased a winch which has very helpful in raising trees bent from the recent blizzards. They are happy to lend it to any neighbor who would like to use it on their own trees. They also highly recommend for any tree work or landscaping: Bonifant 301-942-7890.
Well, Claire is off to South Dakota on an alternative spring break trip, to spend ten days on a Lakota/Sioux reservation working in an elementary school, while Annie and Jill will spend time skiing at sundance!

Skiing the slopes of Utah was exhilarating and beautiful. They enjoyed dinner at Sundance Foundry Grill
Marcy just returned from the Philadelphia Flower Show, an annual retreat she shares with her sister. The theme of this year’s show was Passport to the World and included thirty-three acres of flowers and landscaping.

The Flower Show is great fun, but the best part is enjoying two fun filled days and nights with sister, Sheila.

Arthur and Marcy enjoyed an evening with three generations of Charles and Bonnie Duffy’s family. Bonnie’s mother, Carol, was enjoying an extended visit with new born Ryan.

A highlight of the evening was a hockey play off between Matthew and Arthur. Matthew triumphed with a score of 47 -0 !!!
Farrell had the comfort and pleasure of having her son, Will, Karen and darling grandaughter Baby Jane visit with her.

Both Russell and Paul are looking forward to try outs for spring sports. Vicky missed the big snow storm, as she made a quick trip to Boston.
Vicky recommends Crazy Heart and Up in the Air in the theaters now.

She recently read Ted Kennedy’s biography, True Compass, which reminds us how long health care has been on the agenda.
Maggie took the kids on a spur of the moment trip to Orlando, Florida and took in all the rides at Universal Studios. What a great way to beat the winter blues! Turner has started guitar lessons. Maggie reports that their family will be hosting their nephew and niece for a week
The boys are enjoying the ski jump that Dad built in the back yard! Having learned some tricks while skiing out west, they are perfecting their future Olympic routines (in between rooting for favorite hockey teams!)

Mitchells: The Mitchell family is growing, with Carter now married, and the proud parent of a busy 16month old! He is practicing orthopedic surgery in Bethesda. Their eldest is off to the Holy Land, and their other grandchildren are growing up fast!