Charles, Bonnie and Matthew Duffy share their exciting news that Ryan Haines Duffy arrived on February 12th. Charles sent this photo by cell phone of Bonnie holding new born Ryan, weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. A joyful bundle! Matthew sees his baby brother for the first time.

We had a glorious weekend as Jacob celebrated his Bar Mitzvah with family and friends from as far away as England and California.

He chanted beautifully on Saturday morning, with the snow falling gently outside, and despite the snowy streets everyone made it to the luncheon in his honor, and then that night we had 50 kids dancing their hearts out in our living room (maybe you heard it at your end of the block!). It was a memorable occasion, and wonderful to mark it with our closest friends/family.

We are anxiously awaiting the next big snow storm, and Sophie wonders when we moved to Alaska!
Leanne Boland:
I feel that as I write our family news tonight, I am in "the calm before the storm"! If the forecasts are accurate we will enjoy a record February snowfall.

But, at this moment - without a snow shovel in hand - I can reflect on last Sunday’s lovely baby shower for the Duffy's eagerly anticipated baby boy.

It was so nice of Vicki and Marcy to gather the Leland Street Ladies together to celebrate with Bonnie. The surprise announcement by Sigrid was even more cause for joy!

I have been rather preoccupied with my mother's recent hip replacement surgery. Happy to say that it went very well, and with a large family, the Tender Loving Care is being administered by all. I rotate in on Valentines Day. Thinking of my family in Louisiana, I have to report that the entire state is evidently going wild over the Saints going to the Super Bowl!

My sister Karen, returning from her TLC shift, described the new terminology for the "Who Dat" Saints nation...you've got your original "Who Dat's", then you have your nouveau fans, that would be the "New Dats", and of course the religious zealots - the "Pew Dats", and lastly, I guess the rest of us are the "You Dats"....I don't know about the rest of the block, but I'll be singing "When the Saints come marching in" on Super Bowl Sunday (and, honestly, you can ask my boys - I don't usually follow football). It's rumored that there is a Voodoo gris gris on anyone opposing the team....(Happy to say that I witnessed another "super bowl" of sorts today, grandson Will set a personal record. Not to be outdone, Mae has started walking.
Jill Bateman:

Not much is going on at the Batemans (for a nice change)......Annie and Claire are happily back at school, both expending a lot of energy trying to decide where they want to study abroad next year (not together!) The family is enjoying all the snow but definitely starting to dream more often of spring. Terry has already been out doing spring prep in yard......that was before the last major snow. We think he was a little optimistic. Jill really enjoyed the fun afternoon last Sunday at Vicky's, celebrating with Bonnie and all the coming of baby Duffy.

Terry is grateful to be finished with his southern California business commute......at least for a few weeks (although that might be sounding pretty nice about now with all this snow). He was out there during the monsoon and says the mudslides and flooding were devastating. Will is looking forward to an upcoming ski trip to Wintergreen with nine of his friends. Rugby is busy as usual barking and sleeping in front of the fire.
Forrest Family:

We start our weekdays watching “Morning Joe” co-hosted by Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough on MSNBC from 6:00 - 9:00 A.M. So when Marcy and Nicole heard that Mika would be at the National Press Club on a speaking and book signing tour, we hurried on down for the event. Joe Scarborough hosted the event with Mika. It was a terrifically entertaining evening.

I had a wonderful time with Vicky Taplin organizing an afternoon of Celebration for Bonnie and Charles Duffy’s new baby.

The warmth and generosity of the women of Leland Street allowed us two shopping excursions, first at Buy Buy Baby and then at Child’s Play. Beth and Michael’s daughter, Maia Kazin was very helpful at Child’s Play. It was lovely to gather the ladies of Leland Street together to share tales of their parenting and family experiences. There were smiles and laughter all afternoon.
Duffy Family:

Bonnie so appreciated the wonderful gathering hosted by Vicky and Marcy.

It was nice to sit in Vicky's sun filled family room and hear everyone's stories about birth experiences and parenting. Marcy's posters of siblings on Leland Street was fun to see, and her list of questions got the stories going. The afternoon was a reminder of the rich friendships we have here on the block. Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate.

Marcy mentioned to Charles that he is the envy of all the men on Leland Street. Two weeks ago he had shoulder surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff - no shoveling for him for the rest of the season! The snow has added another layer of drama to an already incredible journey to building our family.

We anxiously await the arrival of our baby. We want to thank all of our neighbors who are sharing in our excitement and lending support (especially to those who have shoveled for us, shared homemade bread and kept Matthew company while we get ready!)

If there is anything better than being snowed in with your family, particularly when their visit is extended by one day, I don't know what it is. Will, Karen and Sweet Baby Jane arrived last Thursday. Will was to attend a Georgetown Leadership conference to start planning his class 10th Reunion. Oh, but, the snow cancelled everything! Except....the Saturday basketball game against Villanova at the Verizon Center. So, being the devoted Hoyas that they are, Will and Karen set off in the morning for the Red Line and the game.
I got the best deal of all....spending the entire day with my 10 month old granddaughter, Jane. What an incredible treat.
I am shameless when it comes to Jane. I simply think she's quite fabulous.

We spend the weekend with lots of fires, games of Bananagram, good food, good friends and lots and lots of baby smooches. Before they left, Will and Karen dug out the driveway and my car. To say I was sorry to see them drive off to BWI on Monday afternoon, is an understatement.
Ann Lee:
Our big news is that Michael and Velina just bought a house on Rosemary Street, just around the corner from Maple Avenue. It's a wonderful house and I'm thrilled that it is so close. Since last week I have painted my kitchen THREE TIMES before I found a color that I like. Rediculous! And the other rediculous thing I did today (Thursday) was go to Whole Foods. The line to get into the parking lot began at Little Falls Parkway. I am having company for dinner so I needed scallops and figured the Giant might be as bad. By the time I left, the police had finally come to bring some order. The last snowfall was just perfect. And it was so nice to chat with neighbors as they were shoveling the soft snow. This weekend may be another story though. We shall see.

Vicky enjoyed seeing so many neighbors at the baby shower she and Marcy Forrest hosted for Bonnie Duffy last Sunday.

Bonnie looked lovely and rested, despite all the work she's been doing to feather her nest. We look forward to welcoming Baby Boy Duffy to the block!

Vicky traveled to the rural coast of Maine a couple of weeks ago to attend to some projects at her family's summer home there. She had never been there in winter, so it was quite amazing to see the land covered in snow, and the sun glistening on the harbor that was emptied of boats. She stayed with friends and was happy for the opportunity to spend a cozy evening next to the wood burning stove chatting and drinking hot toddies.
Paul's been spending a lot of time at Bethesda Sport & Health improving his tennis game over the winter. Russell has been running winter track to prepare for lacrosse season. Both boys are glad to have the first half of the school year completed.
Ayaz Family:
So much for DC’s “mild winter”! We are loving all of the snow though…..lots of snow men being built and hot chocolate with marshmallows afterwards and the girls enjoy the fun with neighborhood friends.

We especially enjoyed sledding down Leland Street with the Vicente and Helland-Bay families.

We also walked to downtown Bethesda with our sleds and the girls sledded in the parking lot across from Barnes and Noble!

Everyone remains busy this month. Arianna and Sophia have started a gymnastics class at Silver Stars and really enjoy it.
Nicole had a great time at the baby shower in honor of baby boy Duffy. What a great opportunity to spend time with my neighbors.

The Helland - Bay Family:

As Norwegians we are thrilled about all the beautiful snow that makes us feel truly at home. See Tarjei knocking icicles off the roof. The kids and adults alike enjoy days of skiing, sledding and playing in the snow. Tarjei still enjoys being back in university and Sigrid is having busy and interesting times at the embassy, though looking forward to maternity leave in a couple of months’ time. Eira and Mari are happy at school and are looking forward to grandparents coming to visit in March – April.

Eira joined Arianna and Sophie Ayaz in making a snowman.
Leni, Knut, Mira and Falk say hello from Norway:
I look at the blog whenever there is a new edition...hello to Leland Street. We are doing well, surviving through the cold season.

We had had snow for the last 8 weeks, and since we can go cross country skiing from our doorstep we are getting in good shape! Say hello to all the Neighbors on Leland Street
Payne Family:
The Payne family had a wonderful long weekend at Wintergreen last week. Finally all three kids are up and running on the slopes so it was lots of fun, especially with the snow blanketing the area.
I highly recommend the VRBO home rental web site as they have lots of great homes to rent directly through the owners with fabulous views, and many offer 20% off ski rentals/ski passes, etc. Ours threw in an extra night free, which made it really worth the three hour drive.

Chloe is having the time of her life in the snow and just loves to jump up and down and race through the white wonderland in our backyard. Enjoy the snow everyone and may you all stay safe and warm this weekend!
Julie Trocchio:
Has Leland Street ever been more beautiful? The snow clinging to the trees is lovelier than cherry blossoms!
Julie is traveling to Las Vegas and Phoenix to present at some health care meetings. Jennie is putting on a conference this weekend in Hollywood, Florida for parents with children who have autism.

Speaking of autism, Jennie and Julie are great fans of Temple Grandin. Be sure to catch the HBO special about her, she is amazing.
Tax Dollars at Work! Our streets have been plowed, our sidewalks have been cleared and a water pipe has been repaired!

From Sylvia Jones:
Here is a hello to Leland Street neighbors, along with a remembrance of past storms from our friend, Sylvia Jones, former resident of 4117.

“I recall a really big snow in the '70's when Bob and I set up a bar on a shelf we dug out of the snow bank in front of our house. Lois Coon set up a hot cocoa bar on the opposite side of the street for the children. All of us helped dig out the rest of our neighbors' cars and the driveways of the older folks. Now we are the older folks and I'm glad we're out of the snow.
Dorothy and Fred provided the Presidents Day Blizzard of 1979 page from their scrapbook to go with Sylvia's recollection.
Bob Jones, Dick Gelman, Dorothy, Lotte Wolf, Lois Coons and Sylvia Jones..plus Fred after some serious shoveling.

Sylvia keeps up with our news through the blog and has shared it with her children, Wes and Laura.
Sylvia writes: It is great to see Florence Lloyd looking fitter than anyone else, as usual. It was also wonderful to see the photo of the Lee family and their new families and Ann Lee looking more beautiful than any of them.
Love to all the new babies, to our old friends on Leland Street, and to the Leland Streeters we've never met. Glad you all are carrying the torch to a new generation of the LSSN. There's a wee tear in my eye for all the fond memories of Leland Street and the people who made it so special for us.